A buldozer carries snow from the main road in Carligu Mic village, 100km east of Bucharest, on February 11, 2012. The death toll caused by the Siberian cold wave continued to widen in Romania, to 57 deaths, said the Ministry of Health yesterday. Some 35,000 people were isolated in the east, their supplies of food and water being depleted, according to local authorities .Fifty communities were without electricity. AFP PHOTO / DANIEL MIHAILESCU (Photo credit should read DANIEL MIHAILESCU/AFP/Getty Images)
Autoritatile de frontiera sarbesti au decis sa interzica accesului autotrenurilor prin vamile de la granita cu Romania, in aceasta tara fiind emis cod rosu de ninsori.
Serbia a solicitat inchiderea granitelor in zona judetului Mehedinti, avand in vedere conditiile meteo, a anuntat duminica secretarul de stat in MAI, Mihai Capra . Interdictia a fost impusa de faptul ca in zonele respective stratul de zapada a depasit 70 de centimetri si drumurile din tara vecina sunt blocate.