Mama fara inima! O romanca si-a abandonat cei doi bebelusi pe un hol pentru un job, in Marea Britanie!

Pic shows: Sisters Antonia and Iasmina were abandoned by their mother. A heartless mum who abandoned her twin eight-month-old babies so she could get a job in Britain has been seized by police in Romania. Cruel Mihaela Boghian, 32, had left blue-eyed sisters Antonia and Iasmina in the corridor of a council apartment block in the city of Piatra Neamt in eastern Romania and had then run off. She then went to an employment agency and signed up to work as a fruit picker in the UK. While she waited for the paperwork to go through, she continued to ignore a nationwide appeal for the tots' parents to come forward. Romanian police spokesman Alin Diaconescu said: "She had been left to look after the children while her estranged husband was in Germany. But she was not satisfied with the amount of money he was sending back in child maintenance and felt trapped by having to look after the kids, so she had simply decided to abandon them. She managed to get into an apartment block and dumped them in a corridor on the sixth floor. They were found by a local resident in the apartment block who raised the alarm." The girls were only identified when their dad Marius Boghian, 35, - estranged from their mum and working on a building site in Germany - spotted their faces on a television appeal and called police. He said: "I always watched the news in Romania online on my mobile phone, and I was shocked when I saw pictures of the two babies found in my hometown and then when I looked more closely I realised they were my daughters. At first I couldn't believe it but when I tried to reach my estranged wife and couldn't, I contacted police and they were able to then confirm that they were my girls. "I'd thought my beautiful girls were safe with their mother." The twins' mother only contacted police after she realised their father had come forward. Speaking to local TV she said: "I never meant to hurt them. We had no money and I wanted to go abroad to earn some. "I thought a children's home could look after them better than I could, and I couldn't face all the questions so I just left them where it was warm and I was sure they would be quickly found. "Now I realise what a huge mistake I made and I just want them back," she added. But police say the children will remain with their father under supervision of social workers until they have completed an investigation into their abandonment. "She may be charged with child cruelty and lose her parental rights," said a spokesman. Local Town Hall Child Care Director Cristina Pavaluta said: "The mother says she wants the girls back. "At the moment this is not possible. Not until the police investigation ends and we find out what actually happened, and are confident it won't happen again." (ends)

O mama din Romania si-a abandonat cei doi bebelusi pentru a-si gasi un loc de munca in Marea Britanie, insa fetele au fost salvate de tatal lor, care se afla in Germania cand le-a vazut intr-o emisiune televizata.

Dupa ce si-a parasit gemenele in varsta de opt luni, Mihaela Boghian, in varsta de 32 de ani, a fost retinuta de autoritatile romane, scrie Daily Mail.

Ea le-a abandonat pe gemenele cu ochi albastri, Antonia si Iasmina, pe holul unui bloc de locuinte din orasul Piatra Neamt. Apoi a mers la o agentie si a aplicat pentru un job de culegator de fructe in Marea Britanie.

In timp ce astepta finalizarae documentelor, ea a ingnorat faptul ca fetele au aparut la televizor, iar presa a facut un apel la parintii lor sa vina sa le ia. Tatal gemenelor, Marius Boghian, de 35 de ani, le-a vazut la o emisiune si a sunat imediat la Politie.

Barbatul muncea pe un santier din Germania si se despartise de Mihaela Boghian. El credea ca fetele sale sunt ingrijite in Romania de mama lor. Marius Boghian a venit in Romania si le-a luat pe gemene, cara vor sta cu tatal lor, sub supravegherea unui asistent social, pana cand ancheta va fi finalizata.

Mihaela Boghian spune acum ca a facut o greseala imensa si vrea sa fie din nou langa fiicele ei. Acest lucru nu este posibil, pentru ca autoritatile din Romania au stabilit ca gemenele sa ramana cu tatal lor, in timp ce femeia si-ar putea pierde drepturile maternale.

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  1. Sa o trimita la plimbare.

  2. „Piatra Neamt” ce surpriza 🙂